How To Save PS4 Game Data To Online Storage [Cloud Backup]

The PS4 is basically a computer so it’s not surprising to hear that it suffers from the same types of problems, even if they’re all game related. Game data can become corrupted due to a number of things so it’s not a bad idea if you back your information up from time to time. Your PS4 allows you to either keep your game data locally (in the hard drive) or use online storage instead. Each one comes with its pros and cons. 

In this short tutorial, we’ll show you how to create a backup of your game data to the cloud or online storage.

Why upload your data to the cloud?

One of the advantages of saving your PS4 game data to the cloud is convenience. Although the process to start the upload to the cloud is not done automatically, having this saving option is great as it eliminates the need for a secondary storage device like an external hard drive or USB flash drive. If you save your game data online, that information remains safe even if something happens to your PS4 or to its hard drive. 

Like any hard drive in a computer, your PS4’s storage device can fail. If that happens, all game data in that drive are gone forever. Using an online storage is easily a better alternative when it comes to keeping your game progress and other game data safe.

You need PlayStation Plus

The biggest disappointment with PS4 online storage feature is its need to have a premium PlayStation Plus subscription. If you are the type who wants to play games alone, having a PlayStation Plus membership will definitely not make sense at all. Sadly, there’s no getting around this limitation. However, if you already have an existing PS Plus subscription, you should definitely consider using this option.

How To upload your PS4 game data to online storage

How to set your PS4 to upload your data automatically

Your PS4 can be configured to upload relevant game data to online storage on its own when it’s on Rest Mode. To enter Rest Mode, you need to press and hold the Home button (PS logo) button in the middle of the controller. Then, go to the Power button icon and select Enter Rest Mode. You’ll know that the console is on Rest Mode as the front LED light turns to orange instead of white.

In order for your PS4 to maintain internet connection on Rest Mode and thus, upload game data to the cloud, make sure that the Stay Connected to the Internet option under Power Save settings is enabled.

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