
How To Play mp3 Files on iPad (iOS) without Connecting to iTunes (No Jailbreak Needed)

Thousands of iPad owners have been asking how to copy and play mp3 files from their iPad without connecting to iTunes or using the native music app. Many said it is possible to play mp3 music files on an iPad but there were no tutorials available online that would become the ultimate guide for iPad owners who want to make the most out of their device.

Our answer to that question is it’s possible and we know just what to use and how to do it. Basically, this post will be about how to copy mp3 files into the iPad so they can play them anytime they want either with internet connection or not.

But is it really necessary when you can just sync your iPad with iTunes?

As far as necessity is concerned, it’s not. It’s just that it adds more functionality to your device not to mention that you can make your iPad seems like an mp3 player where you can save music files into it and right on.

When you connect your iPad into your computer, the machine sees it as yet another storage device. Yes, you can save mp3 files directly into it. The problem is, iPad’s native music app couldn’t find them unless it was iTunes that put them into its memory. That’s where the problem enters and that’s where we’re going to focus in this guide.


The entire process will involve copying mp3 files into the iPad, installing necessary iPad apps and computer applications with the help of iTunes. There’s no need to jailbreak the device but jailbroken iPads will still work just fine.

Files To Download

  1. iTunes – if you own an iPad or any iOS device, I’m pretty sure you’ve already installed iTunes in your computer. If you haven’t yet, then download it from here and install.
  2. i-FunBox – this is a file manager for iOS devices. You can access any directory or files inΒ  your iPad using this application. Download it from here and install it into your computer where iTunes was installed. You will iTunes because without it, i-FunBox can’t seem to detect the iPad; there could be some necessary drivers installed when you install iTunes.
  3. Tonido iPad App – it also servers as a file manager but it comes with music and video players. You will be needing this one to play local mp3 files you would save into your iPad. Download it from the App Store or just follow this link, then install it into your iPad.

Step-by-step Guide

If the abovementioned applications have already been downloaded and installed in your computer and iPad, then you are ready to copy your favorite mp3 files into your iPad and play it later.

Step 1: Connect your iPad to your computer.

Step 2: Launch i-FunBox from your computer and wait until it has fully detected your iPad.

Step 3: Find App File Sharing directory in the left pane of the i-FunBox interface and click on the little plus (+) sign to expand its contents.

Step 4: Find Tonido and click the plus (+) sign beside it. There will be four folders; Documents, Music, Photos and Videos. Click on Music folder and you will see a blank pane on the right of i-FunBox UI.

Step 5: Click on Copy From PC button just above the blank pane.

Step 6: Navigate to the directory in your computer where you saved your mp3 files. Choose the ones you want copied into your iPad and click the Open button. They will be copied directly into your device. Once you’ve completed this, you can now disconnect your iPad from your computer.

Step 7: On the lower-left corner of i-FunBox, there is a button that says Device Safe Removal. Click on it before you disconnect the cable that connects both your iPad and your computer.

Step 8: Launch Tonido app from your iPad. If it asks you to add an account, just tap Cancel.

Step 9: Tap on This Device located in the left pane. The tap on Music folder on the right and you will see the songs or mp3 files you’ve copied from your computer.

Step 10: On the upper-right corner of Tonido’s interface, you will find the Actions button. Tap on that and choose Play All Songs in Folder if you want to queue them in your playlist or you can tap any of the titles and tap Play.

That’s how you do it as far as playing mp3 files in an iPad are concerned.

If you know a workaround or two, don’t hesitate to tell us so we may include it in this post.


  1. This solution works perfectly for my Win10 and ipad pro. Bravo! A notice: only iFunBox version 3 works. The preview and classic versions don’t. Thank you!

  2. thank you guys only thing that we need to do is to pay for devices and well some apps that really we can see they are meant to be bought, but others like these above we thank you all who makes things possible πŸ™‚ keep on rolling

  3. I followed the instructions and everything worked fine except the mp3 file did not show up on the file list. Any suggestions?

  4. So basically, there’s really no good way to organize and play music on an iPhone :-O.

  5. Thank you so very much! Your help expanded the use of my device! I am so very appreciative!

  6. I followed all these steps with excitement, but unfortunately my mp3 files won’t play πŸ™ what can i do about that?

  7. That was the best explanation of this kind of thing I have ever read. EXEMPLARY, and worked just like it showed. Congratulations and thank you!

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