How To Force Close A PS4 Game | Easy Fix For Freezing Game Or App

Are you having issues with your game? The first thing that you should do to fix it is to force close your PS4 game. This is one of the best practices that you can do on your PS4 to not just fix a current problem but also to ensure that you don’t encounter any more software or game problems with your console. If done all the time, it can save you a lot of headaches by avoiding drastic troubleshooting steps such as factory reset to fix a problem.

When do you need to force close a PS4 game?

If you’ve been playing on the PS4 for a long time now, you would not be surprised anymore if you encounter some glitches when gaming from time to time. Sometimes, the PS4 may simply freeze for no apparent reason, even without you changing anything in the system for a long time. 

At other times, new games may just be too buggy to start with. For example, the new Ghost Of Tsushima appears to be broken to some players (although i haven’t encountered any game-breaking issues yet) as it crashes the system out of the blue.

Fortunately, fixing minor game freezing or crashing issues on the PS4 is usually relatively easy to solve by simply restarting the application. 

Below are some of the common reasons why you may need to force close or quit your game or app in a PS4:

When game is freezing.

By far, this has been the most commonly cited reason why many PS4 users would want to close their game. If your game seems to be freezing and has become unresponsive, force closing it can be the best first step to fix it.

When game has unexplained glitches.

Aside from freezing issues, some games may exhibit abnormal behaviors or glitches. This usually happens after a new update, or when the game is recently released. If your game is glitching all of a sudden, restarting the app might help.

When replacing the game disc.

Not many PS4 users know this but it’s good practice to always close your game properly before physically taking it out of your console. This is also highly recommended even if you are running a digital version of a game. Doing so prevents corrupting the PS4 database as well as the game saved data.

Before shutting down the console.

Make sure that you close the running app or game first before you power down your PS4 to avoid corrupting game save data or the console software.

How To Force Close A PS4 Game | Easy Fix To Quit A Freezing Game Or Application

That’s basically it! Make sure to force close everytime you want to replace your game disc, put the console on rest mode, or if you want to shut the PS4 down.

Suggested readings:

Visit our TheDroidGuy Youtube Channel for more troubleshooting videos.

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