How To Make Switch Download Faster| NEW in 2025 Tutorial

Do you want to know how to make Switch download faster? Many Switch users are actually like you as this console’s wifi connection tends to be laggy compared to its rivals such as the PS4 or Xbox One. The thing is, making your download speed faster depends on a number of factors and some of them may actually be out of your control. Still, there’s no harm in trying, right?

Speed Up Your Nintendo Switch Downloads: A Comprehensive Guide

In this article, we will explain what causes this problem, how to fix it, and how to prevent it in the future. By following these simple steps, you can enjoy your Nintendo Switch with a stable and fast Wi-Fi connection.

Why your Nintendo Switch may have slow download speed?

There are a number of possible reasons why you’re not getting the download speed you’re subscribed to on your Switch.

ISP-related issue

When you install an internet connection at home, you pay for  a particular “Plan,” which basically means the internet speed that you can get. For instance, if you’re paying for an AT&T INTERNET 50 Plan, you’re supposed to be getting home internet speed of up to 50Mbps. 

Typically, an Internet Service Provider like AT&T should strive to give you the acceptable industry-standard download speed of about 80% of your plan. This means that you can expect to be getting somewhere between 40Mbps and 50Mbps most of the time on your devices.

If your Nintendo Switch is getting a download speed that’s slower than 40Mbps, it’s possible that there’s an issue coming from your ISP, or it may be caused by something else.

Local networking equipment has a problem.

Local networking equipment has a problem

Another possible reason for slow download speed on your Switch is a malfunctioning modem or router. Electronic devices including modems and routers may sometimes encounter errors, become unresponsive, or may stop working for no apparent reason. Any of such situations can cause slow/intermittent connection, or no internet connection at all.

Low bandwidth due to many devices in your local network.

Low bandwidth due to many devices in your local network

If there’s no problem from your ISP and assuming that your network equipment are working normally, your Switch download speed may still slow down if there are too many devices connected to your local network. Consoles being used for online games, computers downloading large files, or devices streaming HD contents like Netflix may impact your overall local network download speed.

If you have several smartphones, laptops, computers, consoles, or other internet-connected devices using your network at the same time, you may experience slow download speed. 

You can check if your Nintendo Switch download speed can get faster by disconnecting other devices in your network.

Wireless signal interference.

Wireless signal interference.

If you use wifi on your Nintendo Switch, it’s possible that it’s slowing down due to wireless interference or weak wireless signal. 

Other wireless devices may disrupt wifi signal so what you can do to check is to shut down all known wireless devices at home and checking your Nintendo Switch for faster download speed.

How to download faster on Nintendo Switch

Suggested readings:

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