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How to Edit Social Share Settings on Google Pixel 7

This post will walk you through configuring the Google Pixel camera feature that allows you to directly share photos that you’ve captured using the phone’s camera to any of your preferred social applications. Here’s a quick guide to enable and edit social share settings on the Google Pixel 7 Camera.

Should you wish to change or use another social app, just repeat the same steps to return to the Camera app’s social share menu.

All set for social sharing?

Once you’ve enabled this feature and turned on your preferred apps, you can start taking a new photo. Just launch the Pixel 7 camera app and then take a picture. After taking the picture, tap on the arrow to view your selected apps in an expanded view. 

Alternatively, you can just swipe up on the recently captured image preview to view your social share apps. Select the desired app to use to proceed. 

You will then be routed to the chosen app’s menu with the attached image. By then, you should be all set to share the image on Facebook, Instagram or any other supported platforms/apps you’d like.

And that’s how you access and manage the Google Pixel 7 Camera app’s social share settings.

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