
4 Best iTunes Alternative For Android

The iPhone and iPad have iTunes, but what does Android have? They need the best iTunes to android app, to effortlessly listen to music. Essentially nothing! Unfortunately, Google doesn’t sponsor or support an all-in-one program to manage your music and files on, and so, you’ll have to find a third-party option that can provide you with the functionality that you’re looking for. Apple has brought iTunes to Android, providing you with a half way decent music manager; however, there are plenty of other options on the market today that will provide you with a similar level of functionality. Follow along below, and we’ll show you some of our favorite options for Android.

Best iTunes Alternative For Android

1) AirDroid

If you like iTunes because of the easy file transfers between iOS and your Mac or PC, then you might want to consider picking up AirDroid for Android. AirDroid doesn’t have a whole lot of music management inside of it; however, it does enable you to easily move your files around. AirDroid actually uses a web app to manage everything — files, mirroring your screen, and more.

If you’re using AirDroid for personal use, the program is free to use; however, if you plan on using it for your business, they do have plans available for business use. Check it out for yourself here.

Download it now: here

best iTunes to android app

2) DoubleTwist

DoubleTwist is up next on our list, and is actually probably the closest that you can get to an exact replica of iTunes.  DoubleTwist actually has a ton of programs inside of it. They have a CloudPlayer and Sync feature, both of which are designed for syncing your music between phone and computer. The CloudPlayer portion of it will allow you to essentially play music from anywhere — you don’t have to have it directly local on your phone for you to play your favorite playlists.

There’s some other unique features that come with it that aren’t found in iTunes at all. One of those is a built-in alarm, allowing you to wake up in the morning to your favorite music. It also has a Recorder function, which allows you to record music from iTunes radio and other mediums.

Download it now: here

3) WinAmp

Despite what you’ve might read online, WinAmp is alive and well. It’s a multi-platform media player that allows you to easily manage your music and media libraries. One of the major ways that it differs from iTunes is that it’s fully customizable. Don’t like the default interface? No problem! WinAmp has a ton of support for themes, customizations, and more because of a very active modding community.

There are tons of similarities to iTunes here that you can consider as you look for the best iTunes to android app. You’ll be able to do regular music playback with it, but on top of that, WinAmp has full support for video playback as well. We should note that there isn’t quite full support for Windows 10 just yet, which means some features won’t work properly, but for the most part, you should everything should work fine.

Download it now: here

4) Samsung Kies

Not to be confused with the open source software, Samsung Kies is designed for Galaxy devices to manage everything about your Samsung phone. Samsung Kies will not only help you master massive music libraries, but allow you to do other really helpful things — such as backing up your Samsung device, allowing you to transfer photos between your device and your phone, and it can even keep your Samsung device safely on the latest updates.

Samsung Kies can be used for more than just Samsung Galaxy devices. Samsung Kies 3 was exclusively designed for Galaxy phones, and Samsung Kies 2.6, and versions below, were designed for other select Android devices.

Verdict on The Best iTunes to Android App

As you can see, there are a lot of excellent alternatives to iTunes for Android. Any one of these are an excellent way to bring similar functionality to your Android device. However, we do think that you’re likely going to see the most success via either DoubleTwist or WinAmp, as they’re the most closely related programs.

Do you have a favorite iTunes alternative for Android? Sound off in the comments section below.

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