5 Best Ways To Make Money On Twitter

Do you spend a lot of time on Twitter? Maybe you’re wondering how you can convert some of that time into dollars. It might be a surprise to you, but even an average person can make money off of Twitter. As with anything, it takes a lot of hard work, dedication, and persistence, but it certainly isn’t impossible. We should note that it’s always good to have another skill or service in your arsenal, or possibly a blog that you can advertise to help maximize profits; however, if you don’t, there’s still ways that you can make money on Twitter.

If you follow along below, we’ll show you the best ways to make money on the Twitter social media platform.

Sponsored Tweets

This first way will require you to have a decent amount of followers, and some decent engagement statistics can help with this, too. That said, Sponsored Tweets can be an excellent way to make money on the side. Just one platform, SponsoredTweets, will allow you to search out sponsors that you can sell your services to. Companies want to get their product in front of eyes, and if you have a decent amount of followers, as well as a knack for getting views and engagement, you can charge money for tweeting out products. Depending on the amount of followers you have, companies may even reach out to you for potential sponsorship.

It’s worth noting that this requires you to be careful what you tweet out to followers on the side. If your feed is too political or you say something that the public doesn’t like, it’s very easy to lose sponsorships, simply because companies don’t want their product affiliated or thought of with whatever you had to say on Twitter.


You can also use Twitter to make money with YouTube. You could have a thriving YouTube channel, and using Twitter to tweet out your videos could very easily increase profits. Who knows, something might even go viral, all thanks to Twitter.

In addition, if you are a Twitter guru, there might be some folks who would appreciate a high quality, clear English, step-by-step guide on how they can do various things on Twitter. For example, a valuable guide on gaining real Twitter followers could net you a lot of money on Google Adsense or another advertisement service.

Find Clients

If you have another skill in your arsenal, you could use Twitter to find clients for that skill. Maybe you’re a virtual assistant or can offer really good written content online. By searching different terms and hashtags with Twitter, you have the potential to network yourself with potential clients who might be in need of the services that you’re offering. Keep in mind that it’s usually good to keep the conversation as casual as possible, as you don’t want to make it appear that you’re just contacting someone to sell something. You want to add value to people’s lives, not come across as a virtual telemarketer.

Offer Twitter Services

If you’re really good at Twitter, you might even be able to offer your Twitter skills for a price on sites and online markets like Fiverr. Maybe you’re good at gaining real Twitter followers — there are a lot of people who will pay you money to get these types of followers following them. It pays pretty low, around $5 per 100 followers, but if you’re good at it, you can make some good side money. On top of that, you never know who you’re working for — if you prove that you have good skills and curate some good content for a Twitter account, you could easily network yourself into a social media position somewhere.

Sell, Sell, Sell

You can sell products on Twitter to make money. This can be through affiliate marketing, or maybe you’re trying to sell your own product or service. There are a lot of businesses that have been able to pull in tons of profits by simply offering discount codes and letting followers know of current sales happening. Of course, you don’t want to flood your Twitter account with these types of messages, as you can also very easily discourage people from following you, too.


It isn’t necessarily impossible to create money with Twitter, but if you don’t have a skill that you can market to other people on Twitter, it does become a whole lot more difficult to make money with the platform. If you have a marketable skill, such as some sort of virtual assistant work or writing content, you can easily find clients on Twitter and make money.

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