Team Fortress 2 Unable To Connect To The Server Error 105 Easy Fix
The Team Fortress 2 unable to connect to the server error 105 is usually caused by an issue with the network connection. You will need to troubleshoot the internet connection to fix this problem. If the issue persists then this might be caused by a corrupted game file.
Team Fortress 2 is a popular multiplayer first person shooter game that’s free to play. First released in 2007, it is currently one of the popular games being played on a daily basis at Steam. In this game, two teams composed of RED and BLU compete over different game modes such as capture the flag and king of the hill.
Fixing the not connecting to the server issue of Team Fortress 2
One of the problems that you might encounter when playing this game is when it will constantly crash. Here’s what you need to do to fix this.
- Restart the computer and modem/router
- Check if the TF2 server is down by going to
- Make sure the game is not blocked by your firewall or antivirus software.
Method 1: Troubleshoot the internet connection
You should make sure that your computer is able to go online. Can you browse different websites? You should try running the Internet troubleshooter tool to detect and fix any internet related issues on your computer.
Time needed: 10 minutes.
Internet troubleshooter tool
- Click the Start button.
This is located on the lower left side of the screen.
- Click Settings.
This will open the Settings window.
- Click Update & Security.
This is usually the last option on the Settings window.
- Click Troubleshoot.
This can be found on the left pane.
- Click the Additional troubleshooters link.
This can be found on the right pane.
- Click Internet Connections then Run the troubleshooter.
This will detect and fix any internet connection issues on your computer.
Method 2: Verify Team Fortress 2 to fix cannot connect to server
Sometimes this problem is caused by a corrupted or missing game file. To fix this you will need to verify the integrity of the game.
- Open the Steam launcher.
- Click the Library tab.
- Search for Team Fortress 2 on the left pane then right click the game.
- Click Properties.
- Click the Local Files tab.
- Click the Verify integrity of Game Files button then wait for the process to complete.
After performing the steps listed above you will successfully fix Team Fortress 2 unable to connect to the server error.
Visit our TheDroidGuy Youtube Channel for more troubleshooting videos.