Solved Samsung Galaxy S8 micro SD Card Will Not Mount Automatically

Welcome to another installment of our troubleshooting series where we aim to help our readers who own the #Samsung #Galaxy #S8 fix the issues that they are experiencing with their phone. This is a flagship model released last year which has several outstanding features. It has a 5.8 inch Super AMOLED display, uses a Snapdragon 835 processor with 4 GB of RAM, and sports a 12 MP dual pixel rear camera just to name a few. Although this is a solid performing phone there are instances when certain issues can occur which we will be addressing today. In this latest installment of our troubleshooting series we will tackle the Galaxy  S8 micro SD card will not mount automatically issue and other related problems.

S8 micro SD Card Will Not Mount Automatically

Problem: I have a Galaxy S8.  OS version is Oreo. The 128 GB SD card mounts fine and scans fine with no errors reported, but it has to be mounted manually by inserting the card after boot up is complete.  It will not mount automatically whenever I have to reboot my phone. This means that when I reboot my phone, I have to wait until boot up is complete, then then remove and reinsert the SD card to get the phone to recognize it and mount it.  Sooner or later I’ll drop the SD card and lose it. Do you have any ideas why this is happening?

Solution: There are two possible factors that can cause this particular problem. First, it could be caused by a faulty micro SD card. To check if this is the case then you should try using a different micro SD card on the phone then check if the problem still occurs. The second factor that can cause this problem is a software glitch. To check if this is the case you will need to backup your phone data then do a factory reset. Once the reset is complete do not install any apps in your phone just yet. Try to check first if the issue still occurs.

S8 Not Recognizing micro SD Card

Problem: Installed Duracell 64 GB SD card in my phone. Phone recognizes card and lists at Settings – Storage, SD Card . The last two options under Storage are “Unmount” and “Format”. I formatted card and rebooted phone. Attempted to download an additional app and received error “not enough memory”. There does not appear any access from phone to SD card, no options to move pics, apps, etc. to SD card. On Storage page, Device Memory bar does not reflect SD card memory. In short, SD card appears useless. Thank you kindly for any suggestions.

Solution: Apps that you download and install in your phone will be using the internal storage space of the device. If the phone is running out of internal storage space then I suggest that you move your personal data such as music, photos, and video files to the micro SD card to make more room for additional apps.

Regarding the problem of the phone not recognizing the card you should proceed with the following troubleshooting steps listed below.

S8 Is Not Reading micro SD Card

Problem: I’ve had a Samsung 64 GB sdxc micro card in Samsung Galaxy S8. So, all Samsung products. But now the phone won’t read the card, says it’s corrupt, and when I try to format, it gets to 20% and gives the message command ’30 volume E partition disk:179,64 public’ failed with ‘null’ . I tried formatting on my desktop and that didn’t work either. I used some free m3 recovery software to get my pictures, but nothing seems to work to reformat the card. I read a lot for comments that samsung upgrade has caused these problems with the 64 GB sdxc cards. Is samsung doing anything to help customers? How can I fix this? The card is past the date to return to it? Can this card be reformatted or fixed without cost? Should I just try a new micro SD card like 32gb, or another 64gb? Hate to spend the money if that’s not the problem

Solution: If your computer can’t format or read the micro SD card then it’s likely that the card has corrupt sectors already. The best thing to do right now is to get a new micro SD card.

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