How To Link Fortnite Account On Nintendo Switch | NEW in 2025

Fortnite is a popular battle royale video game developed by Epic Games. Since its release in 2017, the game has become one of the most played video games in the world due to its impressive gameplay and it is a free to play online game. As Fortnite is available mostly in all platforms from mobile to gaming consoles, gamers can play alongside other players regardless of what platforms they are on. A player only needs to link a Fortnite account in order to access the game on any of these platforms. In this post, we will focus on how to link Fortnite account on Nintendo Switch for your reference. 

How to Link Fortnite Account on Nintendo Switch

The process to link Fortnite Account on Nintendo Switch is quick and easy. The player must have a Fortnite account or commonly called Epic Games account for this to be possible. Once the Epic Games account is linked to your Nintendo Switch, the cross-play features within Fortnite will then be available on the console. This means that your game’s progress in other platforms will be synchronized on the Nintendo Switch as well. 

Nintendo Switch players can link the Fortnite account in two different ways. A player can link the account directly on the Nintendo Switch or access the Epic Games website and link the Nintendo Account from their page. See the detailed steps below for these two options.

Link Fortnite Account on Nintendo Switch

  1. Launch Fortnite on your Nintendo Switch.
  2. Select the User profile you intend to use and link to your Epic Account. Ensure that the User profile you have selected has already been linked to a Nintendo Account for the game to be accessible.
  3. Press the A button found on the right Joy-con when the Fortnite main screen shows up.
  4. Select Sign up if you don’t have an Epic account yet. Choose Log In if you already have an existing Epic Account.
  5. Follow the instructions reflected on the screen. Enter the email address and password associated with your Epic account to login.
  6. Once completed, the Epic account will be linked to your Nintendo Account and you can then begin to play Fortnite.

Link Nintendo Account to Epic Games Account using a Web Browser

  1. Access the Fortnite official website.
  2. Select Sign In found in the top right corner of the page.
  3. Sign In with your email and password for your Epic account.
  4. Hover over your username and select Account.
  5. Select Connected Accounts.
  6. Look for the Nintendo Switch icon and select Connect.
  7. A new page will pop up on the screen. Enter your Nintendo Account login credentials and click Sign In

Your Nintendo Account should now be linked to your Fortnite account and the progress of your game from the Epic Games account will also reflect on your console.


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