How To Fix Samsung Galaxy Note 9 Micro SD Card Corrupted After Software Update

The #Samsung #Galaxy #Note9 is the latest Note model that’s available in the market which was released last August. This is a phone best suited for mobile productivity tasks as it has a large 6.4 inch Super AMOLED Infinity Display which works not only with touch input but with a stylus as well. Under the hood is a powerful Snapdragon 845 processor which when combined with 8GB of RAM allows the device to run apps smoothly. Although this is a solid performing device there are instances when certain issues can occur which we will be addressing today. In this latest installment of our troubleshooting series we will tackle the Galaxy Note 9 micro SD card corrupted after software update issue.

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How To Fix Samsung Galaxy Note 9 Micro SD Card Corrupted After Software Update

Problem: SD card corrupted after google and facebook update. This is the SECOND TIME!!!  my SD card got corrupted by a friggin’ update! One card was a Lexar 200GB and the other a Samsung 200GB, both micro SDXC cards.  Really tired of hearing it’s the cards fault … MAN UP to the defect and quit passing it off as some other problem. Made the file structure unrecognizable and even Easus could not detect the card to try to recover the data. you can’t imagine what was lost. This is just plane stupid.  Pretty sure most people don’t back up their phone everyday like a workstation. We depend on your products being reliable.. i can’t justify buying another samsung phone moving forward.. once is fine, but twice is not a random issue and i’m apparently not the only one that’s experienced this issue.  FIX IT!!!!!!!!!!!

Solution: Before performing any troubleshooting steps on this phone its best to make sure that your phone is running on the latest software version. If an update is available then I suggest that you download and install it first.

Since this issue occurred right after a software update then there’s a possibility that it could be caused by a software glitch. Listed below are the troubleshooting steps that you need to perform to fix the problem.

Perform a soft reset

The first thing you will want to do is to refresh the phone software by doing a soft reset. . To do a soft reset press both the volume down and power keys at the same time and hold them down together for 10 seconds. You may feel your phone vibrating at some point but only release both keys if the screen turns on. Once this is done try to check if the issue still occurs.

Check your microSD card on another device

To verify if the card is indeed corrupted you should remove it from your phone then check it in another device. In case the card can’t be read then you should try to format it or just replace it with a new one. If however the card can be read without any issues in this other device then proceed with the troubleshooting steps below.

Check if the problem occurs in Safe Mode

There are instances when an app you downloaded can cause this problem. To check if this is what’s causing the problem you will need to start the phone in Safe Mode as only the pre-installed apps are allowed to run in this mode.

  • Turn the phone off.
  • Press and hold the Power key past the model name screen appearing on the screen.
  • When SAMSUNG appears on the screen, release the Power key.
  • Immediately after releasing the Power key, press and hold the Volume down key.
  • Continue to hold the Volume down key until the device finishes restarting.
  • When Safe mode appears in the bottom left corner of the screen, release the Volume down key.

If the micro SD card is working in this mode then the problem could be caused by an app you downloaded. Find out what app this is and uninstall it.

Wipe the cache partition of the phone

There are cases when the phone will develop a corrupt cached data. When this happens certain issues will occur on the device such as the one you are experiencing right now. To eliminate this possibility you will have to wipe the cache partition of the phone from the recovery mode.

  • Turn off the phone.
  • Press and hold the Volume Up key and the Bixby key, then press and hold the Power key.
  • When the Android logo displays, release all three keys.
  • An ‘Installing system update’ message will show for 30 – 60 seconds before the Android system recovery menu options appear.
  • Press the Volume down key several times to highlight wipe cache partition.
  • Press Power key to select.
  • Press the Volume down key to highlight yes, them and press the Power key to select.
  • When the wipe cache partition is complete, Reboot system now is highlighted.
  • Press the Power key to restart the device.

Perform a factory reset

Since you mentioned that the issue occured right after a software update then this could be caused by old software data that has not been completely removed during the update process. When this happens it will cause a conflict with the new software version resulting in issues such as this. To remove this old data you will have to perform a factory reset. Make sure to backup your phone data before doing the reset.

  • Turn off the phone.
  • Press and hold the Volume Up key and the Bixby key, then press and hold the Power key.
  • When the green Android logo displays, release all keys (‘Installing system update’ will show for about 30 – 60 seconds before showing the Android system recovery menu options).
  • Press the Volume down key several times to highlight ‘wipe data / factory reset’.
  • Press Power button to select.
  • Press the Volume down key until ‘Yes — delete all user data’ is highlighted.
  • Press Power button to select and start the master reset.
  • When the master reset is complete, ‘Reboot system now’ is highlighted.
  • Press the Power key to restart the device.

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