How To Fix MLB The Show 21 Network Error On Xbox Series X

The MLB The Show 21 network error on Xbox Series X issue is being experienced by some people who own the game. There are several factors that can cause this problem such as server maintenance or a slow internet connection. To fix this you need to perform a series of troubleshooting steps.

MLB The Show 21 is a baseball video game that’s currently available for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and Series S platforms. On the Xbox platform it’s available on Game Pass allowing subscribers to build their own dream team or just hop on a quick game.

What to do when you experience network error when playing MLB The Show 21 on your Xbox Series X

One of the issues that people have been experiencing when playing this game is the network error problem. This is a connection related problem that could be caused by the game server, the internet connection, or the Xbox Series X console. Here’s what you need to do to fix this.


  • Make sure to check first for any server maintenance downtime at @MLBTheShow Twitter account. This is where you can get information on any game server related activity.
  • Restart the game, There’s a possibility that this is caused by a software glitch which is why you should try closing the game then running it again.
  • Restart the Xbox Series X and your router. This will refresh both devices.

Solution 1: Perform a Network test on Xbox Series X

The first thing you will need to do in this case is to make sure that your Xbox Series X is connected to the internet. You can do this from the Network settings of the console.

Time needed: 5 minutes.

Check the internet connection

  1. Press the Xbox button.

    This can be found at the top part of the controller.Fix MLB The Show 21 Network Error On Xbox Series X

  2. Select Profile & system.

    This is the last tab on the top right.What to do when you experience network error when playing MLB The Show 21

  3. Select Settings.

    This will open your Xbox settings menu.Settings

  4. Select General.

    This can be found on the left pane.General

  5. Select Network settings.

    This can be found on the right pane.Network settings

  6. Select Test network connection.

    This will test if the console is connected to the internet.Test network connections

  7. Select Continue.

    This brings you back to the Network menu.continue

  8. Select Test network speed & statistics.

    This will check the speed of the internet and packet losses.Test network speed and statistics

If your Xbox console is connected to the internet and it has no packet losses then the internet connection is not what’s causing this problem. If however the internet is the problem then you might want to try connecting the console to the internet using a wired connection.

Solution 2: Check the Xbox Series X time and date settings

Since the system automatically sets the time you just need to make sure that the correct time zone is chosen. Having a wrong time zone on the Xbox can sometimes cause network related problems.

  • Press the Xbox button. 
  • Select Profile & system.
  • Select Settings.
  • Select System.
  • Select Time.
  • Adjust the Time zone if necessary.

Solution 3: Try using a different DNS to fix MLB The Show 21 network error

The Xbox console will automatically use the DNS that the router is providing it. Sometimes your ISP will have issues with its DNS. This can cause connection related problems and can affect your MLB 21 The Show gameplay which is why you should try manually setting a different DNS. I recommend that you try using Google’s DNS.

  • Press the Xbox button. 
  • Select Profile & system.
  • Select Settings.
  • Select General.
  • Select Network settings.
  • Select Advanced settings.
  • Select DNS settings.
  • Select Manual.
  • Enter as the primary IPv4 DNS setting.
  • Enter as the secondary IPv4 DNS setting.

Try to check if the network error still occurs when playing the game.

Having the MLB The Show 21 network error on Xbox Series X can be a frustrating experience. Hopefully, this solution will help you fix the problem.

Visit our TheDroidGuy Youtube Channel for more troubleshooting videos.

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