How To Fix Dota 2 Lag Or FPS Drop In Main Menu Or Intro
Dota 2 is constantly evolving and so are its issues. A few months ago, curious cases started emerging about Dota 2 client stuttering, lagging or showing FPS drop issue when loading the game introduction or main menu. While the problem does not appear to affect the main game, it’s definitely not a reassuring sign especially that the issue started showing up after the Battle Pass 2020 update was released.
What causes FPS drop issue on Dota 2?
If you experience FPS drop when Dota 2 client is loading or when you are in the main menu, there are a number of things that you need to consider.
Corrupted Steam game data.
If the issue seems to appear only when the client is loading or in the main menu but you can play a regular Dota 2 game (matchmaking and other modes) without problems, there may be a problem with the game files.
Sometimes, certain files in a game can cause conflicts or errors. In some cases, deleting these files may fix the issue although it can be tricky to know which file or files are the culprit. New updates may bring in new sets of files that may cause problems with the game. For instance, some Dota 2 players discovered that deleting certain video files that run on game introduction seems to have fixed this issue.
Inefficient coding.
In many other cases, game changes implemented by updates are the main reasons. The good thing is that these issues tend to go away on their as developers realize their mistake. Coding issues are usually not fixable on a user’s end so all you need to do is keep updating until the issue disappears.
How to fix Dota 2 Lag or FPS drop issue
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