7 Best Visual Voicemail Apps in 2025
Voicemail is one way to let your contacts know what you have to say, even without them being available. It makes sense when you’re in meetings or are simply unable to answer calls at a particular time, you need to have the best voicemail app.
Keeping this in mind, one can understand the utility of voicemail even today with technology almost at its peak. But what if you get several voicemails everyday? It’s simply not possible to listen to each voicemail that you get in a particular day. This is where visual voicemail apps come into the equation. These apps let you get a transcribed version of your voicemail so you can simply read the contents of the voicemail and remove the unimportant ones from your list.
Not sure what the best visual voicemail apps are? Follow along below and we’ll show you a handful of our favorites.
Use the built-in voicemail function
When it comes down to it, you don’t really need a Visual Voicemail application from a third party. They work quite well, but generally, they’re way more expensive than they should be. In fact, your carrier usually bundles in some sort of Visual Voicemail function with your phone plan, whether that’s bundled in with your data, or charges you an extra $0.99 or so per month for that type of access.
On top of that, the stock Visual Voicemail functions have gotten so much better over the years as far as design and usability goes.
However, if you’re running an older phone, or maybe don’t have a phone plan, you may then want to consider a Visual Voicemail app. These will usually provide you with a much better experience than the Android KitKat experience. Here are a few of our favorites.
Best Visual Voicemail Apps
1) Google Voice
Google Voice is a popular offering that has been around for quite some time. One feature that the app has offered for long is the ability to get visual voicemail on your phone without requiring a separate app. When you get a voicemail on your Google Voice account, you can enable transcriptions to be sent over email or text right away, giving you the complete details on your most recent voicemail in no time.
Naturally, users can also view the transcription on the app, which is equally convenient if you use Google Voice regularly.
The best part about visual transcriptions on Google Voice is that is also supports Spanish, which can be helpful if you’re a native Spanish speaker. Of course, Google Voice is an excellent alternative to your standard mobile carrier with some excellent rates on international calling.
Download it now: here
2) HulloMail Smart Voicemail
This is yet another attractive visual voicemail app that can help you sort through lengthy transcriptions in no time. One feature I particularly like about HulloMail is the ability to search through voicemails with a specific word or sentence to find the voicemail that you’re looking for.
This can help you individually sort through a bunch of voicemails on your smartphone. You can also read transcriptions from the list available, and even send a copy to your email should you want it.
Download it now: here
3) InstaVoice
This app is ideally suited for users who have a lot of numbers to manage. Using InstaVoice, you can have all your voicemails forwarded to one location, allowing you to quickly go through them and even respond to them directly using a dedicated call and text button within the app.
It aims to take the pain out of managing tons of voicemail messages, which means you can discard unnecessary voicemails from your account within a few moments thanks to the quick transcriptions.
If you have a feature that you do not understand, InstaVoice has a customer support team which will be eager to help you with any issues pertaining to the app. InstaVoice is a free app on the Play Store with in-app purchases.
Download it now: here
4) YouMail Robocall Blocker & Voicemail
YouMail is a comprehensive visual voicemail app with some other features up its sleeve to make it one of the best in this segment. It comes with automatic voicemail transcriptions to immediately keep what’s important and discard what’s not. It can also help you ignore telemarketers or robocallers completely by providing them an out of service tone so they can remove you from their caller list.
The app will automatically answer calls to private numbers and relay a message asking them to unblock their caller ID and call again. You can also save voicemails forever in folders on the smartphone.
Download it now: here
5) Voxist
Enter, Voxist Visual Voicemail, the voicemail that you can read. Voxist actually uses an intelligent voicemail algorithm that replaces your carrier’s inefficient voicemail. Yo will be able to easily save time by reading transcribed voicemail messages, and with excellent accuracy, too — you can say goodbye to the hit-or-miss voicemail that your carrier has.
Vooxist also allows you to access messages on your phone or via email, so that you never miss a message. Give Voxist a try today. It’s free to try, and up to a certain amount of voicemails, but after that, they will want you to subscribe!
Download it now: here
6) Carrier Voicemail
It’s worth noting that you can get Visual Voicemail straight from your carrier. Many of them actually offer their own applications for Visual Voicemail — for example, AT&T has AT&T Voicemail Viewer, and T-Mobile has T-Mobile Visual Voicemail. So, depending on who your phone service is through, it could be worth giving either of those options a try as well. Even Sprint has their own.
Download it now: AT&T
Download it now: T-Mobile
Download it now: Sprint
7) Visual Voicemail Plus
This is a comprehensive transcription app that allows you to view accurate readings of your voicemails. Bear in mind, though, that the app only works with carriers that allows call forwarding, so some networks (mostly prepaid) will be left out of the fold. But if you’re on bigger networks like AT&T, Verizon etc, this app should work perfectly.
The best part about this visual voicemail app is that it can send you voicemail alerts even when your phone is off or out of network coverage. This works well in tandem with the PhoneFusion ONE service.
The app also allows you to leave a specific greeting to a particular caller, with the ability to customize your message for each contact, thus adding that human touch to your voicemail responses
Verdict on the Best Visual Voicemail Apps
As you can see, there are a lot of excellent voicemail apps that you can use today. Most of these will bring you the functionality that you’re after, but it’s worth noting that they are generally pricier than the stock voicemail function that comes with your phone. Most postpaid plans already bundle Visual Voicemail in with the data, or it’s an inexpensive $0.99 per month to keep it active.
And Android is only seeing more and more improvements, improving even the built-in Visual Voicemail function. It’s seen some major improvements over the years, to the point where you don’t need to rely on a 3rd party.
Where can I find Visual Voicemail Plus? I’m not seeing it on Google Playstore, nor any place (based on a Google search).