How To Fix PS4 Error CE-34788-0 Issue Quick and Easy Fix
The PlayStation is one of the most popular gaming console that was first released in 2013. The latest version of this console is the PS4 Pro which is capable of playing the latest games in 4K resolution at faster frame rates. Although this is a solid device there are instances when some issues can occur which can become quite annoying. One such issue, which we will be troubleshooting today, is the PS4 error CE-34788-0 problem.
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How To Fix PS4 Error CE-34788-0 Issue
Restore your PS4 backup data
Once the problem has been fixed you can proceed with restoring your backup data. here’s how:
- Connect the USB stick you used to back up the game files to the system.
- From the functions screen at the PlayStation 4 home menu, select Settings > Application Saved Data Management > Saved Data on USB Storage Device > Download to System Storage. Select a title.
- Press X on the controller to add a checkmark in the checkbox for the saved data you want to copy, and then choose Copy.
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