How To Fix DCOM Error 10016 On Windows 10

Distributed Component Object Model  (DCOM or DistributedCOM) Error 10016 is a common issue on every Windows operating system. A known error from older windows 8 or 7 and even from Windows XP. Although the error does does not cause your computer to crash. A DCOM Error Event ID 10016 occurs when a programs tried to start the DCOM server but it does have user permissions to be able to have access to the DCOM server.. The Error message contains CLSID and APPID. In this article, we will show you the different ways on how to fix DCOM 10016 Error On Windows 10.

Fix DCOM server error 10016 On Windows 10

The main cause of the DCOM Error 10016 to occur is Invalid permissions. Listed below are the troubleshooting solutions that you need to do to be able to Fix DCOM Error 10016 On Windows 10. But before performing the recommended troubleshooting steps below, its best to restart your Windows computer first. This action refreshes the Windows system and remove any system error that could be causing the problem.

Method 1: Delete Registry Keys

There are registry keys that can cause conflicts but before performing this method, make sure to save a copy of the registry values. This method also requires administrative access to perform.

To do this:

After computer completely reboots, check if DCOM 10016 Error On Windows 10 computer still occurs.

Method 2: Allow Sufficient Permissions to the App

To know which app is causing the Error to occur, you will be needing CLSID and APPID which is a unique to every app. Therefore, when you know which app is causing Error Event ID 10016 you can give permission to that app to prevent the Error to occur. This is a lengthy method, make sure to follow accordingly.

To do this:

  1. Press Windows key + R on your keyboard to open RUN dialog box.
  2. At RUN dialog box, type regedit and press Enter or click OK to open the Registry Editor
  3. At the left pane of Registry Editor window, click to expand the folder HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.
  4. Locate the folder CLSID, right click on the CLSID folder and then select Permissions from the drop down menu.
  5. At Permissions window, click Advanced tab at the bottom right.
  6. Inside Advanced Security Settings for CLSID, click to check the option “Replace all child object permission entries with inheritable permission entries from this point”
  7. Click Apply to apply changes made.
  8. Click Yes to Windows Security Warning prompt. Exit to close Advanced Security Settings for CLSID window.
  9. Inside Permissions window for CLSID window, click the option ADD.
  10. Enter the word “Everyone” for object names to select.
  11. Click Check names, Everyone will be underlined.
  12. Click OK to apply changes made.
  13. Make sure Full Control is set for Permissions for Everyone option.
  14. Click Apply to apply changes made. Click OK exit Window.
  15. Return to Registry Editor window, click to expand the folder HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, click Software folders to expand it, click Classes Folder to expand it.
  16. Locate and right click AppID folder and then select permissions from the drop down menu.
  17. Click Advanced option.
  18. Inside Advanced Security Settings for CLSID, click to check the option “Replace all child object permission entries with inheritable permission entries from this point”
  19. Click Apply to apply changes made.
  20. Click Yes to Windows Security Warning prompt.
  21. Type “Control Panel” at the search bar located at the lower left to open Control Panel window.
  22. Make sure View by is set to Large Icons.
  23. Click Administrative tools.
  24. Double Click Component Services to open component services.
  25. At Components Services, double click Computers
  26. Double click My Computers
  27. Locate the service that is causing the error, right click on it and then choose Properties from the drop down menu.
  28. Click Security tab at Properties window.
  29. Since you already allowed permission in the registry, click Customize for the following categories: Launch and Activation Permissions Access Permission and then Configuration Permissions.
  30. Click Edit on Launch and Activation Permissions on each categories. If a prompt warning appears that one of even more permissions is attached, click Remove.
  31. Locate System from the user list. If System is not on the list, click ADD button then type System. Click OK to apply changes made.
  32. At System, click to check Allow Column. It is located beside Local Launch and Local Activation option.
  33. Click OK to apply changes made.
  34. Repeat steps 30 to 33 for the remaining two categories: Access Permission and Configuration Permissions.
  35. Restart your computer.

Once computer completely reboots, check if DCOM 10016 Error On Windows 10 computer still occurs.

After following the steps mentioned, you will successfully Fix DCOM Error 10016 On Windows 10.

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