How To Convert M4A To MP3 On MacOS The Quick and Easy Way

M4A is  a file extension of an MPEG-4 audio file and is usually the format used by the iTunes store as the format of the song downloads. It is a much better format than MP3 as it provides a much more superior sound quality. There are times however when your music player does not support M4A or you would like to store more songs in your music player which is why you would like to convert M4A to MP3 on MacOS.

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How To Convert M4A To MP3 On MacOS

  • Launch iTunes on your Mac.
  • Go to iTunes Preferences and click on the General
  • Click on the Import Settings button.
  • Set “Import Using” to MP3 Encoder.
  • In the next drop-down choose the bitrate for your mp3s. 
  • Click OK and OK again, to close Preferences.
  • Go to the Music list (click the music icon in the top left corner of iTunes).
  • Select the files you want to convert. If the files are not present in iTunes library, drag-and-drop them into iTunes and then select them.
  • Click the File menu, navigate to “Create New Version” and choose “Create MP3 version.” You can also right-click the file you want to convert and choose Create MP3 Version from the menu.
  • Once you click “Create MP3 version,” a new (mp3) version of the song(s) will be placed in the music list while the original versions will also remain there.
  • To save the new mp3s elsewhere, just drag them out from iTunes 

The above steps are what you should do to convert M4A to MP3 on MacOS.

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