How To Block Kids In Nintendo Switch eShop| Enable Password | New in 2024

Nowadays, kids can easily access and buy anything online. Thus, it is best for parents to set up certain restrictions on their gadgets to prevent any unauthorized purchases. Nintendo provides ways for adults to block kids from using the Nintendo Switch eShop to buy stuff. You can enable password restrictions in your console or login to your Nintendo Switch online account to eliminate purchases without your knowledge. 

How to enable password restriction from Nintendo Switch eShop

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Time Needed : 5 minutes

Enabling the password restrictions can do the trick to block kids from using Nintendo Switch eShop. This restriction will appear when you access the Nintendo Switch eShop for the first time. If this feature was disabled, then you can just enable it back by following these steps.

  1. Go to the Home Screen of your Nintendo Switch.

    home screen 3
    The Home screen is where you can find your games and other menus.

  2. Select System Settings.

    The Settings icon is below the game thumbnails.
    home screen 3

  3. Select User.

    install game Update nintendo switch 1
    Choose the desired user.

  4. Scroll down and select Nintendo eShop Settings.

    How To Add Child Account for Nintendo Switch | NEW & Updated 2021
    This will show you the settings page for eShop.

  5. On the right pane, scroll down and look for Password-Entry Settings.

    Nintendo Switch wifi password
    Select the Change button.

  6. Select Enter for all three items (starting Nintendo eShop, using saved credit card, or when using PayPal).

    If you want that the system will ask for your Nintendo eShop password when starting Nintendo eShop, using saved credit card, or when using PayPal, make sure select ENTER for all three items.
    Nintendo eshop

  7. Select the SAVE button.

    This will save everything.
    Nintendo switch delete save data 1

  • settings
  • Nintendo Switch

The other effective way to block kids from using the Nintendo Switch eShop is by heading to the Nintendo online account. Take note that this restriction can only be set through a parent or guardian’s Nintendo Account in a family group. 

  1. Log in to your Nintendo account.
  2. Select Family group. Create an account for your child or add an existing account you want to supervise. If there are multiple accounts in the family group, select the account you want to manage the restrictions.
  3. Select Spending/Purchases on Nintendo Switch eShop and Nintendo website. 
  4. Check the box to disable purchases. 
  5. Select Save changes to confirm the restrictions.

How to use Nintendo Switch Parental Controls

To manage more restrictions on your kid’s Nintendo Switch, you can use the Parental Control setting in the console or download the recommended Parental Control app free of charge. Ensure that the smart device is connected to the internet for the application to work. You can see a short clip on how Parental Control works and what are the features available by selecting Parental Control under System Settings in your console. 

How to enable Parental Controls using Nintendo Switch console

Follow the instructions provided if you prefer to enable Parental Controls in your console, instead of using a smart device to manage restrictions.

  1. Go to the Home Screen of your Nintendo Switch.
  2. Select System Settings.
  3. Scroll down and select Parental Controls.
  4. Select Parental Control Settings. An information about the Parental Controls app and the introductory video of the app.
  5. Press the X button on your console if you don’t want to use a smart device for the app. Once done, a message will appear regarding the features that will not be used without the app.
  6. Select Next.
  7. Select Restriction Level. 
  8. Select Teen, Child, or Young child for the restrictions that are set by default or select Custom for more controls. 
  9. Select Next after setting the restrictions manually.
  10. Choose a Pin to save the settings you have created. The Pin will then be used every time you access Parental Controls moving forward.

How to set up Parental Controls app using a smart device

To manage more settings in your kid’s Nintendo Switch, you can download the Parental Controls app on your iPhone or Android device. 

  1. Launch the Nintendo Switch Parental Controls app.
  2. Log in to your Nintendo account. 
  3. Select Next.
  4. Launch System Settings in your console when the code is requested.
  5. Select Parental Controls.
  6. Select Parental Control Settings.
  7. Select If You’ve Already Downloaded the App.
  8. Click Next.
  9. Enter the registration code that is reflected in the Parental Controls app and select OK.
  10. Select Register. From there, you can adjust each of the settings found in the app.

Suggested readings:

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