All Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Calls are Forwarded to Voicemail
A new message in The Droid Guy Mailbag reads, “My Samsung Galaxy Note 3 keeps forwarding my calls to voice mail. Call rejection and blocking are off. Any ideas?”
Check if All Calls are Automatically Diverted to Voicemail
Before ruling out anything, aside from making sure that your call rejection and blocking are off, check also if your phone has been configured to divert all calls to voicemail. Note that you will see the divert icon above your screen if you have enabled the transfer of all calls to the voicemail.
Follow the steps below to cancel all diverts in Galaxy Note 3:
1. Go to Applications.
2. Head over to Settings.
3. Choose Call Settings.
4. Select Call Forwarding.
5. Tap Voicemail.
6. Ensure that all call forwarding options have been disabled including “Forward when busy“, “Forward when unanswered” and “Forward when unreachable“.
7. Upon disabling all call diverts wait for your network to process your request.
Call Your Carrier
In our previous article titled, “Moto G Common Problems, Questions, Solutions and Workarounds [Part 1]”, Harold discusses that it is not really a phone problem. It is a carrier-related issue most of the time.
In the article, he relates his experience as a technical representative wherein one of his tasks involved checking if a phone number has been deactivated. According to him, this triggers the automatic transfer of calls to voicemail.
Thus, the best thing to do would be to report the problem to your carrier so that its technical representatives can check and reactivate your number.
Look for Apps that Might Trigger the Issue
Some call forwarding apps that you might have installed or unstable third-party apps may cause the issue too. One way to check if an app is triggering the problem is by entering Safe Mode.
From there, observe if the problem still occurs. If it doesn’t, then, it must be an app triggering it. Otherwise, it may be either be a hardware or network-related issue.
When you suspect that a third-party app is causing the trouble, just locate and delete it. If that does not work or you are having trouble locating the rogue app, simply backup your device and do a Factory Reset.
On the other hand, if it is a hardware issue, bring it to a technician for checkup or repair. For a network-related issue, call your carrier.
Email Us
For more questions, email us at [email protected].
Source: Vodafone
Good post. A few of my friends have experienced something similar on their Note 3s. There is no voicemail exactly in India, and the issue here is the calls just drop. I think I’ll just forward this post to them.