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How to set up voicemail on Pixel 3

In addition to several features of Google Pixel 3, activating the voicemail may also be a challenge as a user because it may vary on what carrier you are in and what firmware your are using. So, in this tutorial, we will provide you the basic steps on how to setup your voicemail regardless of what service provider you belong. Here’s how:

  1. From the Home screen, tap the Phone icon.
  2. Tap the Voicemail icon or just tap and hold the 1 key.
  3. When you are already prompted enter your voicemail password.
  4. Tap and hold the # key.

Note: If it is your first time to activate your voicemail, just follow the steps provided by the voice prompt to successfully configure your voicemail. In addition, the steps may vary on the carrier you are in.

As what I’ve said earlier, setting up a voicemail may vary of what service provider you belong and you need to follow the voice prompt and enter the voicemail password if necessary for you to successfully setup your voicemail. However, if you forget your password you can call your service provider and ask for it.

I hope that this how-to post has helped you one way or another. Please help us spread the word by sharing this post to your friends or people who may also have similar problems. Thanks for reading!

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