How to Reset Accessibility Settings on Galaxy A10

Here’s a simple guide to reset accessibility settings on Galaxy A10. Scroll down.

Accessibility options on smartphones like text-to-speech and speech recognition are indeed of great help especially to people with disabilities. With these features, using high-end smartphones like Samsung Galaxy A10 has been made easier. Users with limited vision can use the text-to-speech feature on their devices. This feature reads the message out loud. While the speech recognition gives the owner the option to control their smartphones using their voices. Other accessibility features found on smartphones are closed-captioning, adjusting font size, color adjustment, and keyboard shortcuts.

But what if these features stop working? If a simple phone restart won’t fix the problem, simply reset accessibility settings on your device. If you haven’t done this before, scroll down and be guided.

Illustrated below are the steps to reset accessibility settings on Samsung Galaxy A10. Read further.

How To Reset Accessibility Settings On your Samsung Galaxy A10

  1. Swipe your finger upward from the Home screen.
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  1. Select Settings.
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  1. Tap General management.
aKusPXZ7rCh0azqNO1V3L1YaL 84z95re 1Wd7Sse14G7ZFcHIzbfC0MzfiSN5cW zaf3w 99c
  1. Tap Reset.
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  1. Select Reset accessibility settings.
SamtQzui9jV71EpI8 565RYvibebJLvqCXwIG 8LY9J7 IkfDPwerP6rT2ASAKnHLT748GG6piJzpeOFYm mT4lzqzV5usQbzuXuz9ba9jfxGjdEdlC3jlV 8oglR2 zjicf8cB
  1. Select Reset settings and follow the onscreen prompt to confirm.
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Resetting accessibility settings won’t erase the phones saved files. Instead, it will delete customized settings under accessibility like the adjusted font size, color, enhanced visibility, talk back features, among others. If the phone does not turn off automatically after the reset, turn the phone off and on again. Doing so completely dump cached files that caused trouble to your accessibility features and made them unfunctional.

Also read: How To Enable Do Not Disturb Mode on Galaxy A10

I hope that we’re able to help you reset accessibility settings on your Galaxy A10. Please help us spread the news by sharing this post. You can also check out our YouTube channel. We posted video tutorials and troubleshooting guides for smartphones, so don’t forget to hit like and subscribe. Thank you for reading.

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