How To Fix Chivalry 2 Vcruntime140_1.dll Not Found Issue
Are you having issues with Chivalry 2 DLL errors? Several factors can cause this error message with the DLL file on the Steam store and Epic Games Store such as an outdated windows operating system, a missing Microsoft visual c redistributable package installed, and corrupted game files. To fix the DLL missing file issue for Chivalry 2 Windows users, you will need to perform several troubleshooting steps.
Chivalry 2 is an online multiplayer hack-and-slash action video game set in the Middle Ages, that was created by Torn Banner Studios and released by Tripwire Interactive. Every famous scene from the time period is brought to life for players, including epic castle sieges, clashing swords, and hails of fiery arrows. control massive 64-player battlefields. In the return of Team Objective maps, the ground is torn apart as you lay siege to castles, destroy villages, and massacre dirty peasants.
The ability to crush your enemies, deliver deadly front or rear horse kicks, unhorse your opponent with a lance, and engage in intense melee combat with grounded or mounted opponents gives you the impression that you are battling on top of a 1,000 pound beast of war. With a new subclass system that offers more diversity than ever before, ascend to glory and increase your arsenal. With the addition of over 30 distinct weapons and over ten subclasses, four fundamental classes become much more diverse. The addition of new support objects like oil pots, barriers, supply crates, and archer’s stakes gives players on the battlefield even more tactical options.
Dynamic link library file error message or missing DLL files? Here’s how to fix DLL missing issue

One of the issues you will encounter with playing Chivalry 2 with your computer is the vcruntime140_1.dll missing error messages, this can be a frustrating experience especially if you want to play the online game.
Here’s how to fix vcruntime140_1.dll file missing error issue.
Fix #1 Check anti virus software
The vcruntime140_1.dll was not found issue with with Chivalry 2 game can be caused by an antivirus program that constantly checks the game installation folder and block the DLL files. To see if this is the issue, temporarily disable your antivirus program and try playing the game; if it does not display the vcruntime140_1.dll error, add the game to the antivirus’s exclusion list.
Turning off virus and threat protection
Step 1: Press Windows Start menu key.
Step 2: Click Windows Settings.
Step 3: Click update & security.
Step 4: Click Windows Security.
Step 5: Click Virus and Threat protection.
Step 6: Click Manage settings.
Step 7: Turn off real-time protection.
Turning off Avast
Step 1: On the taskbar, look for the Avast icon.
Step 2: Right-click Avast icon.
Step 3: Select Settings.
Step 4: Select disable option from Avast Shields.
Turning off AVG
Step 1: Right-click the AVG symbol in the system tray.
Step 2: Select Disable AVG Protection temporarily.
Turning off McAfee
Step 1: In the system tray, double-click the McAfee antivirus icon.
Step 2: In the upper right corner, click the Navigation link.
Step 3: Select Real-Time Scanning and then turn it off.
Adding the game to the antivirus exclusion list
Step 1: Press the Start Menu button.
Step 2: Click Windows Settings.
Step 3: Click Update & Security.
Step 4: Click Window Security.
Step 5: Click Virus & threat protection.
Step 6: Click Manage setting.
Step 7: Click Add or remove exclusions.
Step 8: Click Add an exclusion.
Step 9: Click Folder.
Step 10: Locate and select the game folder.
Fix #2 Update Windows operating system
Ensure that your PC has the most recent Windows update installed. The vcruntime140 1.dll problem will be resolved by the performance improvements, security updates, and bug fixes in these Windows updates. Make sure to download available windows updates.
Updating Windows
Step 1: Right click the Start button.
Step 2: Select Settings.
Step 3: Select Windows Update found on the bottom left menu of the new window that appears.
Step 4: Select Check for updates.
Fix #3 Verify Game files
Chivalry 2 will have DLL was not found issue if the game file is corrupted or has missing files. To know if you need to repair a file, use the Steam client to verify the integrity of the game in the local files tab or use Epic Games Store repair Chivalry 2. The servers will quickly download and install and replace the corrupted and missing files when you finish to repair Chivalry 2.
Verify Integrity using Steam
Step 1: Open Steam client.
Step 2: In your Steam launcher, click Steam Library.
Step 3: Find Chivalry 2 then right-click it in your Library and select Properties.
Step 4: Choose the Local Files tab and click Verify integrity of game files.
Repair using epic games store
Step 1: Open the Epic Games Launcher.
Step 2: Click on Library.
Step 3: Find Chivalry 2 then click the three dots.
Step 4: Click Verify on the drop down menu.
Try to check if the error persists.
Fix #4 Download Visual C redistributable file
The next thing to do if the DLL is missing issue still occurs is to download Visual C redistributable file. The error could be cause by a missing vcruntime140_1.dll that is needed to play Chivalry 2. The VC runtime libraries are installed by the Visual C++ Redistributable. Many applications created with Microsoft C and C++ tools require these libraries. Before installing your app on the target computer, you must install a Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable package. You must have a Redistributable version that is at least has the latest version.
Downloading Visual studio C redistributable file
Step 1: Go to this link to download redistributable file.
Step 2: Click on vc_redist.x64.exe.
Step 3: Double click on the downloaded vc_redist.x64.exe file.
Step 4: Follow the on screen instruction.
Try to see if the vcruntime140_1.dll code execution still occurs.
Fix #5 Reinstall Chivalry 2
You must reinstall Chivalry 2 if none of the above fixes work. The vcruntime140_1.dll file issue will be resolved as a corrupted installation may be to blame. Reinstalling the program may also resolve all the issues you encounter with Chivalry 2.
Reinstall Chivalry 2 at the Steam Store
Step 1: Run Steam launcher to load steam.
Step 2: Go to the Library
Step 3: Right click Chivalry 2 then click on Manage then uninstall.
Step 4: Click Uninstall.
Step 5: Right click Chivalry 2 then click on install.
Step 6: Click next to proceed with the installation. This will take several minutes to install.
Reinstall Chivalry 2 at the Epic Store
Step 1: Open the Epic Launcher.
Step 2: Click on Library.
Step 3: Find Chivalry 2 then click the three dots.
Step 4: Click uninstall.
Step 5: Install Chivalry 2
Step 6: Open the Epic Launcher.
Step 7: Click on Library.
Step 8: Click on Install link found below Chivalry 2.