5 Best MicroSD Memory Card For Fire HD 10 Tablet
The Fire HD 10 tablet doesn’t come in very large storage sizes — your options are actually pretty small in nature, giving you choices between 32GB and 64GB. That’s not a lot of space for photos, larger apps, movies, or TV shows. It fills up quickly, but luckily, you can easily add more storage space to your Fire HD 10 tablet through the microSD slot on the device. Inset a microSD card in there, and you’ll get instant access to a ton of extra space.
At A Glance: 5 Best MicroSD Memory Card For Fire HD 10 Tablet
Our Top Pick
- SanDisk Extreme PLUS 64GB
- Samsung EVO Select
Product | Brand | Name | Price |
SanDisk | SanDisk Extreme PLUS 64GB | Check Price on Amazon | |
SanDisk | SanDisk Extreme PRO | Check Price on Amazon | |
SAMSUNG | Samsung 64GB MicroSDXC EVO Plus Memory Card | Check Price on Amazon | |
SAMSUNG | Samsung EVO Select | Check Price on Amazon | |
SAMSUNG | SAMSUNG PRO Plus + Adapter 256GB microSDXC Up to 160MB/s UHS-I | Check Price on Amazon |
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Now, there are a ton of different miceroSD memory cards available on the market, making it difficult to choose the right one for your Fire HD 10. So, what do you choose? We’ve assembled a list of five of the best available for you to choose from — here are our top picks.
Best MicroSD Memory Card For Fire HD 10 Tablet
1. Samsung Evo Select
First on our list of choice from Samsung — their impressive EVO Select line of microSD memory cards. It’s a versatile line of cards, giving you plenty of performance and space at a price point that almost anyone can afford. Seriously — even at its largest size, the price is a whole lot easier to manage than the Samsung Pro+. With 128GB of space inside, you’ll have plenty of room to film, store apps, and more. You can actually get this in a 256GB option for on the cheap, too. The data transfer speeds are pretty good, with it available in 100MB in read and 90MB per second in write.
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2. Samsung Evo PLUS
Next, we have the Samsung EVO Plus card. This one is the perfect option for your Fire HD 10 tablet, providing you with plenty of extra space for offline content like movies, videos, and TV shows. Just slide this one in your EVO Plus’ microSD slot, and you’ll get an extra 64GB of storage space to use for photos, videos, apps, games, and more.
Since this is more of a budget microSD card, you do get slower transfer speeds inside of the EVO Plus. That said, the EVO Plus is still able to provide you with pretty decent rates as far as speeds in 2018 go.
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3. SanDisk Extreme PRO V30
And coming in at third place on our list, we have SanDisk’s own Extreme PRO microSD memory card. If you want an affordable way to outfit your Fire HD 10 tablet with plenty of extra storage, this one will be right up your alley. This gives you an extra 64GB in capacity, adding plenty of storage space to your Fire HD 10 for extra movies, videos, apps, documents, and more. This one comes in as 4K ready, so you can use it to film 4K video as well. You shouldn’t have a problem loading applications quickly with this one, as the SanDisk Extreme PRO is fast. Data transfers are pretty impressive, coming in at 90MB per second in write speeds and 100MB per second in read speeds.
SanDisk has actually included a number of protections and resistances against water, dust, shock, and more as well.
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4. SanDisk Extreme PLUS U3
And the fourth contender on our list is yet another choice from SanDisk — the Extreme PLUS microSD memory card. Insert this one directly into your Fire HD 10 tablet, and you’ll get a whole extra 64GB of storage space to play around with for apps, games, and offline content. On top of that, SanDisk includes a ton of extra resistances and proofing inside of the card — you can easily use this in adverse conditions without a risk of actually breaking it. There’s specifically water and dust protections here — so there’s no worries about dropping the card in a body of water and destroying it.
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5. Samsung Pro+
We really like what the Samsung Pro+ has to bring to the table, though it admittedly might be a little overkill for the Fire HD 10 tablet since you cannot do much with 4K content on the device. That said, the Samsung Pro+ is still one of the best that you can buy today, bringing you top data transfer rates — you actually get a whole 95Mbps in read speeds and 90Mbps in write. On top of that, you get a massive 128GB of extra capacity to use with your Fire HD 10 tablet — there will be plenty of room for extra offline content. Of course, Samsung’s Pro+ card does come 4K-ready, so you can easily pop it out of your Fire HD 10 tablet, and use it in a device that can film 4K as well.
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Best MicroSD Memory Card For Fire HD 10 Tablet Verdict
So we’ve shown you five of the best options available for the Fire HD 10 tablet. Now, which one do you pick up for the device? If you want only the best with your tablet, the Samsung Pro+ will definitely be up your alley; however, the EVO Plus or EVO Select are likely much better and more manageable prices, while still giving you plenty of storage space and performance.
Do you have a favorite microSD memory card, or one that you prefer for the Fire HD 10 tablet? Let us know what it is in the comments section below!
Product | Brand | Name | Price |
SanDisk | SanDisk Extreme PLUS 64GB | Check Price on Amazon | |
SanDisk | SanDisk Extreme PRO | Check Price on Amazon | |
SAMSUNG | Samsung 64GB MicroSDXC EVO Plus Memory Card | Check Price on Amazon | |
SAMSUNG | Samsung EVO Select | Check Price on Amazon | |
SAMSUNG | SAMSUNG PRO Plus + Adapter 256GB microSDXC Up to 160MB/s UHS-I | Check Price on Amazon |
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