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5 Best Wireless Over The Ear Bluetooth Headphones

Headphones. Wireless earbuds. On-ear headphones. Over the ear headphones. With so many different types of headphones out there, what do you possibly choose? All of these headphones are designed for different purposes, but today, we’ll specifically be looking at the capabilities available in over the ear headphones.

beyerdynamicbeyerdynamic DT 1990 Pro, Black (Dt1990Check Price on Amazon
Bowers & WilkinsBowers & Wilkins PX Active Noise Cancelling Wireless HeadphonesCheck Price on Amazon
FocalFocal Listen Premium Wired Closed-Back Circum-Aural Portable HeadphonesCheck Price on Amazon
AudezeAudeze LCD-XC Over EarCheck Price on Amazon
SonySONY WH-1000XM3 Wireless Noise canceling Stereo HeadsetCheck Price on Amazon

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Over the ear headphones are generally designed for audiophiles, studios, and professionals who want to the get most out of their music without any ambiance affecting the quality. Over the ear headphones fit over the entire ear, also offering you a level of noise cancelling technology to keep ambiance and other noises away from your ears. This allows you to listen to the track you’re playing, and nothing but that track.

Generally, these headphones are wired in order to stop latency and interference from affecting the headphones; however, Bluetooth technology has improved to the point where this isn’t a problem anymore. So, what are best wireless over the ear Bluetooth headphones? Follow along below, and we’ll show you some of our top favorites. Let’s dive right in.

Audeze LCD-XC

Coming up as number one on our countdown, we have the Audeze LCD-XC. If you’re looking for a professional pair of headphones as an audiophile or for studio work, the LCD-XC headphones truly do shine. These are luxury headphones designed not only for audiophile enthusiasts, but for sound and recording engineers as well. These headphones are nothing but comfort — the top strap is made out of lambskin, and the ear cups are made out of a beautiful Bubinga wood that give them a design like no other.

The ear cups themselves are excellent as well. They are made out of extremely comfortable acoustical foam, which give your ears long-lasting comfort — perfect for that long day you spend in the studio. As you can imagine, the LCD-XC’s also have some of the best sound quality in the market as well. If you depend on your headphones for accurate a smooth sounds, that’s just what you’re getting here.

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Coming in at second place and at half the cost of the Audeze, we have the DT 1990 Pro by the prolific Beyerdynamic. The DT 1990 Pro’s are pretty versatile in that they’re meant to be used in the home or at studio for the audio detail that you need. They’re half the cost of the Audeze’s as well, which makes them more affordable for either situation. Beyerdynamic designed these with extreme comfort, so these open-back over the hear headphones will have no problem providing you with all-day comfort.

As an added bonus, these are a heavy pair of headphones — so you won’t have to worry about breaking them because of an accidental drop.

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Another leading brand in the audio industry, we have the PX headphones by the prolific Bowers & Wilkins themselves. Bowers & Wilkins builds the PIX with the same drive units found in the superb P9 Signature headphones, which gives the PX some stellar listening performance. The drivers in these headphones have just been subtly angled, which gives you a more natural stereo perspective.

These are Bluetooth-enabled, and provide superior noise cancellation with its over the ear style of earcups. The PX is actually gesture-enabled as well. When you need to pause your music, lift an ear cup. Set the PX down on your desk and they automatically go to sleep to preserve battery life. Pick it up to resume playing. 

Buy it now: Amazon

Coming in fourth position, we’re looking at the WH-1000XM3 headphones by Sony. These over the ear headphones come with great noise cancelling technology, making them optical for serious analytical listening at home and at the studio. These headphones sound excellent, even when you’re using them over Bluetooth. Noise cancellation is a highlight of these headphones, but Sony is also equipping these with Google Assistant and Alexa, interestingly enough.

Buy it now: Amazon

Focal Listen

Let’s face it. Unless you’re a big-time sound engineer and recorder, you’re probably not bringing in enough cash to justify the Audeze or the Beyerdynamic. That said, you might want to consider something a little more affordable for now, and those are the French-made Focal Listen’s. These are comfortable headphones that encase the entire ear, so you won’t have any pressure against the ear itself. As a natural byproduct of this, you get noise cancelling tech inside as well. These headphones have a beautiful design, made out of premium materials, and the ear cups themselves are actually made of memory foam. Comfort is a priority here, which makes them ideal for all-day studio use.

Like we mentioned, the ear cups themselves provide great noise isolation, keeping annoying ambiance out. Sound quality is really good, with clear mids, great bass, and good treble.

Buy it now: Amazon


These are the five best wireless over the ear Bluetooth headphones that you can buy today. Whether you’re an audiophile at home or you need a pair for some serious analytical listening at the studio, any one of these headphones will provide you with the sound quality and comfort that you need.

We’re particularly fond of the Audeze, though not many have the cash to float something so extravagant. That said, the choice from Beyerdynamic isn’t a bad option either, and for those on a budget, the Focal Listen will get you by.

Do you have a favorite pair of over the ear headphones?

beyerdynamicbeyerdynamic DT 1990 Pro, Black (Dt1990Check Price on Amazon
Bowers & WilkinsBowers & Wilkins PX Active Noise Cancelling Wireless HeadphonesCheck Price on Amazon
FocalFocal Listen Premium Wired Closed-Back Circum-Aural Portable HeadphonesCheck Price on Amazon
AudezeAudeze LCD-XC Over EarCheck Price on Amazon
SonySONY WH-1000XM3 Wireless Noise canceling Stereo HeadsetCheck Price on Amazon

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