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5 Best Macro Lens For Android Phones

Most modern smartphones today come equipped with some excellent cameras, you barely need the best macro lens for Android phones to enhance capacity. We can take photos with detail we’ve never been able to achieve before, and some of our smartphones are even able to take photo and video in 4K resolution. That’s insane! However, there’s at least one problem that smartphone today still have an issue with — and that comes down to digital and optical zoom. The former, unfortunately, really destroys camera quality, but the latter keeps it intact. However, optical zoom just isn’t something that smartphones are capable of having, at least not as a native solution right right now.

XenvoXenvo iPhone Camera Lens Kit ProCheck Price on Amazon
Amoner5StarPrime Phone Camera Lens KitCheck Price on Amazon
STOONCamera Lens Kit, Stoon 180° Fisheye Lens & 15X Macro Lens & 0.65X Super Wide Angle LensCheck Price on Amazon
CamKixCamKix Bluetooth Camera Shutter Remote ControlCheck Price on Amazon
JopreeCell Phone Camera Lens, Jopree 4 in 1 Camera Lens KitCheck Price on Amazon

* If you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. For more details, please visit our Privacy policy page.

However, that’s something that a clip on lens can easily fix. Snap on an external, clip-on lens to your smartphone, and then you can instantly transform the lens into something that can take up high-quality close-ups

Not sure what clip-on macro lens to get for an Android phone? Follow along below, and we’ll show you some of our favorite choices. Let’s dive right in.

Best Macro Lens For Android

1) Xenvo Lens Kit Pro

Coming up as our number one choice, we’re looking at Xenvo’s Lens Kit Pro. Xenvo is one of our favorites in terms of value for money because it has multiple types of clip-on lenses inside of it, giving you a couple of different options for different types of photos. One is a 0.45X wide angle lens for taking wide photos — this gives you some better wide angle shots, such as of scenic environments. Another is a Clarus 15X Macro Lens, which allows you to zoom up into a subject and still get razor sharp detail (without the pixelation you would see in digital zoom).

Buy it now: Amazon

Best Macro Lens For Android

2) 5 Star Prime 9 In 1 Lens Kit

In second place, we have another sweet value for money option — a 9 in 1 lens kit. This one is a unique package because you actually get nine lenses inside. You can easily clip these lenses on and off your smartphone to move them between devices. This one actually gives you two different macro lenses for that you can use, which each offering varying features. Then, there’s also a wide angle lens, a telephoto lens, and a burst lens, as well as others. For the professional smartphone photographer, this is a must have!

Buy it now: Amazon

Best Macro Lens For Android

3) Stoon Camera Lens Kit

Stoon’s camera lens kit comes in next, and is another one that gives you multiple lenses that you can swap out. This package also has multiple lenses inside of it, giving you an optical camera lens for almost every situation. If you want to zoom into a subject for razor sharp detail, you have the 15X Macro Lens. There’s also a 180 degree fisheye lens and a 0.65X Super Wide Angle Lens.

What we like about the Stoon Camera Lens Kit is that it comes with a bracket that allows you to use this one for dual-camera setups. That said, the frame is able to support two lenses at once, making this one more ideal for the likes of a Galaxy Note 9 or another dual-camera phone. It’s actually made out of a protective silicone to keep your phone and camera glass protected from scratches, nicks, and other abuse.

Buy it now: Amazon

Best Macro Lens For Android

4) CamKix Bluetooth Shutter Camera Lens Kit

CamKix is well known for their camera and video accessories for smartphones, which is why they come up next on our list. The CamKix Bluetooth Shutter Camera Lens Kit not only brings you a ton of lenses that you can use with any Android smartphone, but it even comes with a Bluetooth shutter remote. Attach one of the lenses to the smartphone with the included clip-on bracket, line up the shot, and then shutter the camera with the remote shutter button. CamKix throws in a wide angle lens, a telephoto lens, and even a macro lens into this kit.

Buy it now: Amazon

5) JoPree Cell Phone Camera Lens Kit

The JoPree Cell Phone Camera Lens Kit might come in as last on our list, but it’s certainly not the least. This is still a quality lens kit, and the lenses are supposed to be of DSLR camera quality, so you know you’re getting something professional here. It’s actually a fairly unique kit because you get four high quality lenses inside of it — not a handful of lenses with less than desirable construction.

JoPree gives you a 20X Macro Lens for taking close up razor sharp photos, a 180-degree fisheye lens, a 120 degree wide angle lens, and a 2X Telephoto lens.

Buy it now: Amazon

Verdict on the Best Macro Lens For Android

As you can see, there are a lot of excellent macro lenses for Android phones out there. If you’re trying to take some professional-level photos with your smartphone, these will get you up and running in a jiffy! Just attach any one of the lenses to your package’s included clip, clip it over your phone’s camera lens, and you’re good to go!

Do you have a favorite macro lens that you use for your Android phone? Sound off in the comments below.

XenvoXenvo iPhone Camera Lens Kit ProCheck Price on Amazon
Amoner5StarPrime Phone Camera Lens KitCheck Price on Amazon
STOONCamera Lens Kit, Stoon 180° Fisheye Lens & 15X Macro Lens & 0.65X Super Wide Angle LensCheck Price on Amazon
CamKixCamKix Bluetooth Camera Shutter Remote ControlCheck Price on Amazon
JopreeCell Phone Camera Lens, Jopree 4 in 1 Camera Lens KitCheck Price on Amazon

* If you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. For more details, please visit our Privacy policy page.

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