
5 Best Home Design App For Galaxy S9

Are you looking to outfit your new home with some new decor? Or maybe you’re looking at taking on a renovation project soon? Maybe you simply want to put some finishing touches on a room to make it a little more homely. Either way, going from store to store or consulting with designers can be a huge time investment that you don’t want to make, not to even mention the high prices of consultation fees.

Luckily, you can avoid all of that with a great home design app for Galaxy S9. With a home design app, you can look for ideas other people have already done, find inspiration, and even get material lists and instruction on how to accomplish certain projects. So without further ado, here are the five best home design app for Galaxy S9!


Pinterest comes in as first on our list, and for good reason. The app caters to a wide array of different interests, but its home design section is probably one of the most popular. It’s full of ideas from users in the community of people also dreaming, planning, or who have already completed some of these projects. That said, you can go to the Pinterest home design section and scroll through thousands of different ideas for your home. It’s got everything from whole renovation ideas to creative ideas for finishing touches on a room.

The neat thing about Pinterest is that once you find an idea you like, you can “pin” it to your own board or collection so that you can look back on it at a later time. Not only that, but many of these ideas often come with material lists and instructions on how to complete the project yourself, making this the optimal app for the DIYer in your life!

Download it now: Google Play

Adobe Color Capture

We really like Adobe Color Capture because it enables you to turn real life inspiration into color schemes and patterns for a room in your home. Open the app on your Galaxy S9, snap a photo of the object of influence, and the Adobe Color Capture will help you get color codes, names, and even create whole color schemes. It even has options for creating patterns and vector graphics that you could use as a material for your room decoration! Adobe Color Capture has a ton of typography options as well.

Download it now: Google Play

Planner 5D

Planner 5D is next up on our list, allowing the user to create 2D and 3D models of exterior and interior environments that they might be dreaming of. You can actually choose thousands of different items from a massive catalog to place in your plans, so that you can get a better of idea of looks, room spacing, measurements, and more.

One of the benefits of Planner 5D is that it can be used both online and offline; however, some of the catalog items will require a connection. This is a great way to create floor plans, get inspiration, and share ideas with others.

Download it now: Google Play


Houzz is next up on our list, and it’s a great way to get ideas for furniture, art, and other home decoration. Houzz, with their catalog of 16 million different products in high res images, allows you to check out countless different items in 3D space. You can check out couches, end tables, dining tables, kitchen appliances, and a whole lot more with Houzz. These are all organized into Room Types and Styles so that you can easily find what you’re looking for. Houzz will even let you collaborate and bounce ideas off of designers and contractors! Get Houzz for free at the link below.

Download it now: Google Play

Best Home Decorating Ideas

Best Home Decorating Ideas is last up on our list, but it’s a great way for getting ideas and creative influence on all different types of rooms. There are hundreds, if not thousands of ideas available in this application. You’ll find ideas for kids rooms, dining rooms, bedrooms, bathrooms, living rooms, and so much more. Best Home Decorating Ideas even has a compilation of options for those that need exterior ideas, too!

Download it now: Google Play


As you can see, there are a lot of great home decorating app for Galaxy S9. We recommend giving them all a try, but give Pinterest a go first! With the tens of thousands of ideas available on the app, you’ll get those creative ideas going in no time!

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